To teach effectively requires a strong grasp of good information, a direct style of communication that represents a willingness to lead, physical empathy that extends beyond your own body and above all: authenticity. If you are not breathing, neither are your students. These days I'm working on feeling everything I say - Lux founder, Benjamin Sears.

Day 4

Practice the sequence as instructed, poses meant for days 1–4. (Note: Increase your Elbow-to-Knee Abdominal repetitions to 5 reps each side.)

For the Twisting Lunge Flow, introduce Lunge with Arms Crossed Overhead and Open Twisting Lunge.

Posted on September 14, 2016 .

Day 3

Practice the sequence as instructed, poses meant for days 1–3. (Note: Increase your Elbow-to-Knee Abdominal repetitions to 5 reps each side.)

For the Twisting Lunge Flow, do Lunge with Self-Adjust for Back Traction and Easy Twisting Lunge.

Posted on September 14, 2016 .

Day 2 via Yoga Journal #PracticeDaily Challenge:

Practice the sequence as instructed, only poses meant for days 1–3. (Note: Elbow-to-Knee Abdominals, 4 reps each side.)

For the Twisting Lunge Flow, do Lunge with Self-Adjust for Back Traction and Easy Twisting Lunge.

Posted on September 14, 2016 .

Day 1


Practice the sequence as instructed, only poses meant for days 1–3. (Note: Elbow-to-Knee Abdominals, 4 reps each side.) For the Twisting Lunge Flow, do Lunge with Self-Adjust for Back Traction and Easy Twisting Lunge.

Skip all additional variations for the Twisting Lunge and Challenge Pose Flows until day 4. 

Posted on September 10, 2016 .


Benjamin Sears of LUXYOGA collaborates with YOGA JOURNAL for their #DailyPracticeChallenge. 

WARM UP: You'll begin each day this week with 4 minutes of Alternate Nostril Breathing, followed by Wrist Stretches, Spinal Rolls, Elbow-to-Knee Abdominals, and Bridge Pose.

DOLPHIN PAUSE: Practice One-Legged Dolphin, building to Dolphin Pose later in the week.

PLANK-TO-DOWN DOG REPS: Build heat each day moving from Plank Pose to Downward-Facing Dog, and get a small backbend in Cobra before moving on to Benjamin's two flows.

TWISTING LUNGE FLOW: After practicing a foundational lunge, you'll build intensity with several lunge and twisting lunge apex variations after day 3. Please note: if any pose is too much, revert back to the starting pose.

CHALLENGE POSE FLOW: Finish and wind down each practice with a foundational Triangle variation, a Warrior Interlock OR Extended Warrior pose, and Pigeon Pose to strengthen and open.

COOL DOWN: End each day in a delicious Savasana using Benjamin's technique to get the most bang for your buck with your relaxa

Posted on September 10, 2016 .

Playfulness is part of the good life. LUXYOGA - and the #luxlife - a term we coined back in 2007 - are about setting up conditions for smiles to happen. Did you know that the name LUX comes from the latin word for Light? Here's one of our guests on excursion to Antibes, where Picasso once lived. 

A photo after some photos for a project with Yoga Journal that I hope will be useful. Yoga is inherently powerful, because the very essence of the word is balance - a state of mastery. So what we mostly refer to as yoga is actually practice - a set of tools used to make yoga (balance) occur. Efficacy is in the application. I have sweet, small. sometimes a bit more extended moments in my practice during which I know that I'm singing, that I've been tuned.